What To Do When....
If you have an obstetrical emergency (uterine contractions, suspected labour, vaginal bleeding, decreased fetal movement and/or possibility of your water "breaking") and are greater than 20 weeks pregnant, please present yourself to the obstetrical unit of the Queensway-Carleton Hospital. The nurses of this unit can be reached 24 hours a day at 613-721-4700, extension 2127. If you are less than 20 weeks pregnant, please proceed directly to the Emergency Department of the Queensway-Carleton Hospital. If you feel that you cannot reach this hospital in a timely fashion, please proceed to your nearest hospital. Signs of labour at term (37 to 41 weeks) include regular contractions every 5 minutes for 1-2 hours or leakage of fluid or blood from the vagina. At 32 weeks and greater, the baby should move at least 6 times within 2 hours per 24 hour period. If you have signs of labour or decreased fetal movement, please go to the Queensway-Carleton Hospital Birth Unit right away. The telephone number is 613-721-4700, extension 2127. If you have time before leaving, please telephone the hospital so they can expect you and prepare for your arrival. A good way to remember when to go to the hospital in pregnancy...courtesy of my QCH colleague, Dr. N. Beshara. ABCD F. Hold your hand out, palm facing up. Start at your "pinky"...A...amniotic fluid leaking. Proceed to your "ring finger"...B...bleeding from the vagina. Move to your "middle finger"...C...contractions every 5 minutes for 1 hour. Now on your "index finger"...D...dizziness or bad headache that doesn't improve with rest or 1 Tylenol (can be sign of high blood pressure in pregnancy). Slide the finger of your opposite hand down from your index to your thumb...there is no E! And finally with your "thumb"...F...decreased fetal movement (less than 6 movements in 2 hours per day after 32 weeks or a sense of decreased movement overall in comparison to your baby's previous movements). VOILA! ABCD...F If you are a gynecologic patient and have an emergency, please proceed to the Emergency Department of the Queensway-Carleton Hospital. |
Queensway Carleton Hospital (QCH) PhysiciansDuring your emergency and/or obstetrical hospital visits, you may be cared for by one of my colleagues. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital Obstetrical operates a 24 hour call system. In this way, the responsible obstetrician/gynecologist on call provides care to all hospital patients on their designated shift. This includes emergency assessment of pregnant patients, deliveries of babies and gynecologic emergencies when requested by the Emergency Department at QCH. The members of the Department are:
Dr. Lucyna Anderson Dr. Nasser Beshara Dr. Douglas Cochen Dr. Nadine Doris Dr. Christopher Farrell Dr. Jean Jacques Fondop Dr. Kelly Goodwin Dr. Sunita Lal Dr. Paul Legault Dr. Allison McKinnon Dr. Lynn Shepherd Dr. Susan Thorne More information on the QCH Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology here: https://www.qch.on.ca/childbirth-physicians |