Uninsured Services

For your information, OHIP does not pay for all services that you request from your doctor. Services that OHIP does not pay for are called "non-insured or uninsured services" and it is illegal and fraudulent for doctors to bill OHIP for them. In order to maintain the financial viability of our office and ensure prompt service, it is necessary (and legal) for our practice to charge for these services.
Every effort has been made to account for most of the commonly requested services below. If the uninsured service you seek is not listed, please communicate this to me or my office staff.
The fees contained in the list below are based on the Ontario Medical Association's suggested fees as found in the 2024 edition of the OMA Physician's Guide to Third Party and Other Uninsured Services.
All uninsured services must be paid in full when rendered. You have the right to receive a receipt and my office staff will gladly provide you with one upon settlement of your account. Please note that our office accepts credit or debit.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Non-clinical services that are not covered by the provincial health care plan (ie OHIP) include but are not limited to:
Missed initial (first) consultation appointment without 2 business days notice $120
Missed followup appointment without 2 business days notice $35
Sick/maternity/school board maternity notes $23.50
Visa application due date notes $23.50
Reprinting or faxing of misplaced/forgotten test requisitions (for eg. forgotten ultrasound requisitions when attending your ultrasound appointment) $6
Rewriting and faxing of misplaced prescriptions $12
Calling to renew a prescription over the telephone $23.50
Transfer of medical records/chart transfers initiated by the patient (electronic transfer/printed): $30
Completion of attending physician statements $170
Completion of disease specific questionnaire $ 114
Travel cancellation insurance forms $50
Photocopying/printing pages $1.50 per page
Letter reproduced with permission from the 2024 OMA Physician's Guide to Third Party and Other Uninsured Services.
Rates as per 2024 OMA Physician's Guide to Third Party and Other Uninsured Services - A Guide for Ontario Physicians.
Every effort has been made to account for most of the commonly requested services below. If the uninsured service you seek is not listed, please communicate this to me or my office staff.
The fees contained in the list below are based on the Ontario Medical Association's suggested fees as found in the 2024 edition of the OMA Physician's Guide to Third Party and Other Uninsured Services.
All uninsured services must be paid in full when rendered. You have the right to receive a receipt and my office staff will gladly provide you with one upon settlement of your account. Please note that our office accepts credit or debit.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Non-clinical services that are not covered by the provincial health care plan (ie OHIP) include but are not limited to:
Missed initial (first) consultation appointment without 2 business days notice $120
Missed followup appointment without 2 business days notice $35
Sick/maternity/school board maternity notes $23.50
Visa application due date notes $23.50
Reprinting or faxing of misplaced/forgotten test requisitions (for eg. forgotten ultrasound requisitions when attending your ultrasound appointment) $6
Rewriting and faxing of misplaced prescriptions $12
Calling to renew a prescription over the telephone $23.50
Transfer of medical records/chart transfers initiated by the patient (electronic transfer/printed): $30
Completion of attending physician statements $170
Completion of disease specific questionnaire $ 114
Travel cancellation insurance forms $50
Photocopying/printing pages $1.50 per page
Letter reproduced with permission from the 2024 OMA Physician's Guide to Third Party and Other Uninsured Services.
Rates as per 2024 OMA Physician's Guide to Third Party and Other Uninsured Services - A Guide for Ontario Physicians.